Project dictionary story.

Pavel Markov
2 min readJul 13, 2021

I have started my project: micro site constructor from 2018.
Today is 2021, 3 years left.
In project history, from now, I understand that I find right way to get fast success:

* Project must be easy to use ( controversy )
* Project as a platform
* You can manage site from mobile device ( lots of solutions requires desktop )

But after success started, I have relaxed.
In my relaxation period, lots of things happen:
* I lost my developer. And I decided to develop by myself. But I have low frontend dev competency.
* I had lots of problems with customers controlling their pages. Mobile UI does not let me make easy control pages solutions.
* And the last — like a cherry on a cake : instagram banned my domain.
All these points cause serious injury to my project.

You can see my stats below…

I had about 5–15k visitors 💪

During managing instagram ban, I have started a full project reset.
So, about a year later after the last release, I have changed my economics and now the project is completely free.

* About 5–10 new users per day
* 0.5–2$ per day

What is my purpose?

Finally, I decided to keep here my comments and updates about a project. I think it helps me get feedback from the medium visitors.

P.s. This is my first public english thoughts🤪

